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Communication Strategy


“But all we need is a brochure!”


You might be right—unless your customers really just want regular updates you could send via text message. To keep a slam dunk from becoming an air ball, it’s definitely worth a little time to align your priorities, objectives, audiences, messages and tactics before writing and design begin.


Based on the outcomes you’re trying to achieve, I’ll help you determine:


  • Who you’re trying to reach

  • How they want to hear from you

  • What you want them to do

  • Which key messages and media are most appropriate

  • How well your current communication is helping you achieve your objectives

  • How we’ll know we succeeded


I'll work with you to craft a communication strategy that provides a solid roadmap for developing creative concepts, graphic design and content—no matter who does the work. It’s really the only way you can ensure a consistent message that’s on point, on brand and delivered through the proper channels.

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